Learning Commons - Ms. Grona
Chestermere Lake Middle School Learning Commons provides students with a fantastic collection of E-Books, Fiction and Non-fiction books for students to explore and enjoy in a collaborative learning environment.
Try our digital library
Click on the Destiny Discover E-Library viewlet below to access books any place, anytime with an internet connection. Check out and download fiction or non fiction materials to your personal devices to read online or offline! Login using the same username (first name,middle initial, last name and google password)
Click here Tips for using Search Engines
- Students may check out up to 2 titles at a time, excluding textbooks.
- Book titles are checked out for up to 3 weeks, with the option of renewing up to 3 times.
- If books are lost or damaged, the student is responsible for replacement costs.
Digital Literacy websites:
Building a Safe and Respectful Digital World
Reviews for titles of movies, books, games, tv shows, applications, and podcasts: