Transportation Registration Deadline Approaching

Register before Aug. 1 to ensure service on the first day of school. Registrations received after Aug. 1 may not be processed until after Sept. 18 and will experience delays of two to three weeks before they can ride the bus.

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Cell Phone Policy

Cell Phone Policy

Purpose/Rationale:All schools hold learning as a core value, both academic and social/emotional. It is imperative that schools be sensitive to changes in technology and culture, which provide the opportunity to increase student academic growth. Cell phones, widely used for communication, can also serve as tools for learning. However, cell phones also possess functions, which if used inappropriately, can disrupt the learning environment and create the possibility for other problematic behavior.

In addition, we have come to know the value and importance of creating and maintaining face-to-face, real time connections with others that creates a sense of belonging and connection with others.

Given the research-based benefits of the wise use of technology to support student learning (each student has access to a computer in order to meet their daily learning needs), along with the importance of facilitating a strong sense of connection and belonging, Chestermere Lake School adopts the following policy of acceptable cell phone usage at school:

Possession and use of a cell phone must fall within these guidelines:

  • Cell phones must be on silent (not vibrate) upon entering the building and remain on silent throughout the remainder of the school day.
  • Cell phones will be kept in students’ lockers during class time, unless teachers permit students to use their cell phones for a specific learning purpose during their class.
  • Cell phones may be used appropriately during the lunch period and must be returned to students’ lockers at the end of the lunch period.
  • Cell phones may NOT be brought into the washrooms, locker rooms and Learning Commons AT ANY TIME.
  • Cell phone cameras and audio recorders may only be used for specific educational benefits and only with prior permission of the teacher or administrator. This includes during the lunch break.
  • If a student inadvertently forgets to put their cell phone in their locker upon arriving to class, the teacher will hold the phone until either the lunch break (if in the morning) or until the end of the day (if in the afternoon).  Students will not be sent to their locker to put it away once class period has started.

Students who choose to bring cell phones to school do so at their own risk. The school assumes NO liability for lost, stolen or damaged cell phones.

  • Use or wearing of headphones or air-pods in the hallways or common areas during class time is prohibited.

Failure to adhere to established guidelines will result in the following corrective measures:

  • First Offence: Cell phone and/or headphones are turned in until the end of the day and can be picked up at the office at the end of the day.
  • Second Offence: Cell phone and/or headphones are turned in until the end of the day and parents are notified.
  • Third Offence: Cell phone and/or headphones are turned in until the end of the day and parents are notified to pick up the phone.  Phone will not be returned to student.
  • Fourth Offence: Cell phone is turned in to the office at the beginning of each day, and returned at the end of each day, for a time period determined by administration.

NOTE: We recognize that there are times when you need to get a hold of your parents during the school day.  Please speak with your teacher.

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.